The Path of Mastery

The Path of Mastery is designed to help client-facing staff manage stress more skillfully, be more resilient in the midst of change, and to perform at higher levels, regardless of what may be going on around them. Tailored for individual organizations, the training consists of both classroom-based and experiential learning.


“Jim has designed a phenomenal workshop that completely refocused our customer facing teams (sales, customer success and support) on how applying mindfulness techniques at work can help them achieve greater effectiveness in their roles. Working at a fast-growing tech start-up means juggling many things all at once, and through Jim’s “Path of Mastery” workshop, we learned how taking a more mindful approach to your work can lead to greater satisfaction and joy. I highly recommend working with Jim to introduce these concepts to your team!”

— Anna Cockell, Head of Enablement at Envoy

This training is particularly relevant for client-facing folks and those that manage them, including salespeople, customer service representatives, sales engineers, consultants, account executives at ad agencies, and others.

As part of this training, your staff will learn about:
  • Why “Be Here Now” is more than just a catch-phrase
  • Clear Seeing: What’s REALLY going on out there
  • Creating 21st-Century-Style Teamwork
  • Embodying Service both Inside and Outside the organization, regardless of various stresses
  • Why Peak Performance Is more like washing the dishes than running a race
Learning Outcomes Include:
  • Approach even difficult workdays with a reframed perspective of “seeing clearly"
  • Develop a calm, centered and results-oriented focus
  • Maintain that focus and easily get it back every time you lose it
  • Learn a unique method of time management that will increase productivity
  • Let go of extraneous factors that are currently draining your productivity and morale and mental health
  • Maintain a “big picture” perspective
  • Have an easier time dealing with your staff and customers - even in difficult situations
  • Learn how to "manage up" without anxiety
  • How to assume responsibility for taking care of yourself and not waiting for "them" to do something to make your job easier
  • How to set up your own personal success team
  • Develop clarity about what is really going on around you, without going off into non-productive story lines about events

Jim Schaffer & Associates
Mindfulness Consulting &
Advanced Sales Training Seminars

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